
Stair Design For Tight Spaces

29 . 08 . 2012

With the size of the average home slowly decreasing, it is becoming more common to need a stair design that is appropriate for rather tight spaces. The most important consideration when coming up with a design for these sorts of spaces is safety, as the last thing you want is to have someone slip and injure themselves as they are going up or down the stairs.

Begin by determining the maximum amount of space available to construct the staircase in. Draw up a sketch of the area, making sure to include the areas of surrounding walls so that you can see how they might affect the stair design. You can also roughly sketch in where you think the steps will go, making sure that all treads are the same height (a minimum of 9 inches).

It is important to keep in mind that the stairs will not run in a straight line – you will need to angle each of the treads so that they curve around as you climb, taking up minimal floor space. You will need to make sure that there is adequate space on each tread for a foot to be placed. This is often known as a spiral staircase and is formed out of triangular shaped treads.

Never begin to construct stairs in your home without applying for the proper permits and receiving the right advice. It is always recommended that you contact a stair design specialist when trying to work with a tight space, as they will ensure that your design meets building codes and is completely safe to be used after construction is complete.